Yuwei Sun

Senior Researcher at Araya Research Visiting Scientist at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project

My research interests revolve around the co-learning mechanism of decentralized and modular neural networks with Minsky's Society of Mind as a guide. My focus is on how knowledge learned by different agents or modalities could be transferred and leveraged to tackle future tasks. Understanding these dynamics would help build generalizable lifelong learning machines.
Blog: The Modular Mind Blog


Email: yuwei_sun [at] araya.org




Aug 2024: I gave a talk at the RIKEN AIP – SJTU CS Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Brain-like Intelligence.

Feb 2024: I am presenting our paper at AAAI 2024 in Vancouver.

Feb 2024: I successfully defended my PhD dissertation and received the Department Chair's Award.

Sep 2023: I am co-organizing the NeuroAI Social at NeurIPS 2023 in New Orleans.

May 2023: I was nominated for the WBAI Incentive Award for my work on AI and Global Workspace Theory.

Mar 2023: I was accepted by Microsoft Research Asia Collaborative Research Program (D-CORE 2023).

Mar 2023: I am excited to join Araya as a research intern working on NeuroAI and Global Workspace in April.

Mar 2023: I visited Switzerland and Germany for the joint ML workshops among RIKEN AIP, EPFL CIS, and Fraunhofer IIS.

Jan 2023: I attended AAAI 2023 and gave a talk on "Meta Learning in Decentralized Neural Networks: Towards More General AI".

Dec 2022: I presented our poster at NeurIPS 2022.

Oct 2021: I was selected as a fellow of the SPRING GX Program at the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

Sep 2021: I was selected as a PhD research fellow (DC2) at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Mar 2021: I received my Master's degree in Information and Communication Engineering with the honor of Department Chair's Award for Outstanding Thesis.

Jan 2020: I was accepted by the ASP fellowship at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


I am a Senior Researcher at Araya Research with Ryota Kanai and a Visiting Scientist at RIKEN AIP with Jun Sakuma. I received a PhD (Hons.) in Information Science and Technology from the University of Tokyo in 2024. I was a fellow of the Advanced Study Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2020. Before joining Araya, I spent time at the United Nations University and was a research fellow at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at the University of Tokyo.

Curriculum Vitae: pdf

Selected Publications

Remembering Transformer for Continual Learning
Yuwei Sun, Ippei Fujisawa, Arthur Juliani, Jun Sakuma, Ryota Kanai
CVPR 2024 T4V workshop
PDF | BibTex | Poster

Bidirectional Contrastive Split Learning for Visual Question Answering
Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai
AAAI 2024
PDF | BibTex | Poster | Slides | Video | Code

Associative Transformer is a Sparse Representation Learner
Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Zhirong Wu, Stephen Lin, Ryota Kanai
NeurIPS 2023 AMHN workshop (Oral)
PDF | BibTex | Poster | Slides | Video

Attacking Distance-aware Attack: Semi-targeted Model Poisoning on Federated Learning
Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Jun Sakuma
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 2023
PDF | BibTex | Code

Meta Learning in Decentralized Neural Networks: Towards More General AI
Yuwei Sun
AAAI 2023 Doctoral Consortium (Oral)
Mentor: Felipe Meneguzzi
PDF | BibTex | Poster | Slides | Video

Feature Distribution Matching for Federated Domain Generalization
Yuwei Sun, Ng Chong, Hideya Ochiai
ACML 2022 (Oral)
PDF | BibTex | Code | Poster | Video

Semi-Targeted Model Poisoning Attack on Federated Learning via Backward Error Analysis
Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Jun Sakuma
IJCNN 2022 (Oral)
PDF | BibTex | Code

Decentralized Deep Learning for Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey on Communication Efficiency and Trustworthiness
Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 2022
PDF | BibTex | Resource

Adaptive Intrusion Detection in the Networking of Large-Scale LANs with Segmented Federated Learning
Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2020
PDF | BibTex | Video | Code


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